Category: Education

A Framework for Success

Can you describe success? If you ask most people to describe their idea of success, odds are very good that most would have an fairly nebulous description.  Many will be unable to articulate what success means to them at all.  Sadly, many of us imagine success in very general terms. Maybe we image success as earning a larger […]

Do You Need an Information Technology Degree?

For as long as I can remember, educators, parents, and society in general have promoted the importance of a college or university degree.  Degree promotion has been so effective that nearly everyone thinks obtaining a diploma is a necessity. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, college and university enrollment of 18 to 24-year-olds […]

Sir Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

On Jan 6, 2007 (has it really been over 7 years ago?) TEDTalks YouTube Channel published a talk by Sir Ken Robinson that explores the apparent flaws in the way we approach creativity in education globally. I stumbled across this today and felt it was worth sharing again.  This video has over 6 Million views which seems […]